Walter Hamilton Dickson

ID # 3258, (1806-1885)
BirthWalter Hamilton Dickson was born on 4 January 1806 at Niagara. 
BaptismHe was baptized on 26 January 1806 at St. Mark's Anglican Church, Niagara Town. 
MarriageHe married Augusta Maria Geale on 22 September 1832 at Niagara Town, Niagara District.
Our source for the marriage of Walter Hamilton Dickson and Augusta Maria Geale is The Vital Records of Upper Canada/Canada West - Niagara District, 1816-1866, Global Heritage Press, Milton, page 70

Under St. Mark's Anglican Church, Niagara-on-the-Lake, it reads:

Weddings Niagara 1832-1833

Walter Hamilton Dickson, Esq'r to Augusta Maria Geale, both of Town of Niagara. 22 Sept 1832, by Licence issued at Niagara 21 Sept. 1832. Wit William Dickson and Jane J. Baily.
MarriageHe married Charlotte Fellows, daughter of Richard Fisher Fellows and Charlotte Morson, on 8 September 1859 at Town of Niagara, Canada West.
The Canadian Biographical Dictionary is one source for the approximate date of the marriage of Charlotte Fellows Armstrong to Walter Hamilton Dickson. This tells us that they were married in September of 1859.

The more definitive source is the marriage record of St. Mark's Anglican Church at Niagara Town. This appears on mcirofilm MS545 reel 1. This was microfilmed by the Niagara Historical Resource Centre, Niagara-on-the-Lake Public Library, 1978-1979. The pages are unnumbered.

This reads:

Walter H. Dickson to Charlotte Armstrong

Niagara, Sept. 8, 1859
This day were married Walter H. Dickson, gentleman, of the Town of Niagara to Charlotte Armstrong of the same place, widow, by me, William McMurray, Rector of Niagara
Witnesses illeg Dickson
Florence Macnab.
The couple signed the document and it may be said that Charlotte's signature is as it appears in her petition for Letters of Administration for her first husband. Charlotte wrote with a fine hand.

The Lincoln County marriage register provides largely the same information, though the clerk's handwriting is nearly unreadable. It does appear to show Charlotte's parents by the name of McNab. This is probably Charlotte's mother's name, though a direct, clearly written record has yet to be found. It also shows Charlotte's place of birth as Ceylon. A transcription of the Lincoln & Welland Counties Marriage Register was indexed by Elizabeth Hancocks and published by the Global Heritage Press in 2005. Ms. Hancocks had the same difficulties with the handwriting. The image of this registration may be seen at MS248 reel 10, Vol. 33, page 16/1859. Familysearch also carries the images.
DeathHe died on 30 August 1885 at age 79. 
BurialHe was buried at St. Mark's Anglican Cemetery, Niagara Town, Lincoln Co., Ontario. 
NoteOur source for the date of birth for Walter Hamilton Dickson is the Canadian Biographical Dictionary and Portrait Gallery, Ontario Volume, American Biographical Publishing Company, 1880, page 162-163.

Our information for his baptism is taken from page 131 of The Vital Records of Upper Canada/Canada West - Niagara District, 1792-1849, Global Heritage Press, Milton, Ontario. This is extracted from St. Mark's Anglican Church at Niagara for the year 1806 and reads:

26 Jan 1806, Walter Hamilton, son of William and Charlotte Dickson. 

Child of Walter Hamilton Dickson and Charlotte Fellows

Last Edited4 Apr 2024