Nicholas R. Schermerhorn

ID # 3084, (1838-1894)
BirthNicholas R. Schermerhorn was born on 16 June 1838. 
MarriageHe married Harriet Lawrason, daughter of James Lawrason and Laney Bauslaugh, on 14 December 1867 at Tuscola, Michigan.
For the moment, the source for the date and place of marriage of Nicholas Schermerhorn and Harriet Lawrason is an index provided by familysearch. This quotes microfilm FHS 983,8 and states that Nicholas Schemerhorn, born approx. 1838 in Canada West, age 29, married Harriet Lawrison, born approx. 1844, Canada West, age 23.
Event date 14 Dec. 1867, at Tuscola, Michigan.

Mrs MacIntyre, in her work Some Records of the Lawrason Family, quotes a clipping in the Woodstock, Ontario, Library, which claims the same marriage date.

Another source for the date of this marriage is to be found on page 1043 of Portrait and Biographical Record Genesee, Lapeer, and Tuscola Counties, Michigan, Chapman Bros., Chicago, 1892. This is to be found in the biography of Nicholas R. Schermerhorn.
DeathHe died on 4 December 1894 at Mayville, Tuscola Co., Michigan, at age 56. 
NoteFor something of the following see the biography of Nicholas R. Schermerhorn which appears on page 1043 of Portrait and Biographical Record Genesee, Lapeer, and Tuscola Counties, Michigan, Chapman Bros., Chicago, 1892.

The biography identifies the parents of Nicholas as Lawrance C. Schermerhorn and Elizabeth Coon. It goes on to say that Nicholas was born on June 16, 1838, in Brant County. We may reasonably locate this as being in the township of South Dumfries, or rather Dumfries, which was located in the Gore District at the time.

One source for this is to be found on microfilm MS700 reel 1, Dumfries Township east of the Grand river. This is in the form of a statistical census which only names the heads of households. Lawrence Scamerhorn appears as residing on lot 8 of the second concession. A Daniel Scamerhorn also appears as being on lot 7 of the same concession. This census is dated 1832. Lawrasons are to be found on the second and fourth concessions in this census, the lots all being low numbers. Henry Bauslaugh is also found on lot 7 of the 3rd concession. We must believe that the families all knew each other and, probably, Harriet and Nicholas were acquainted with each other from childhood.

(A note here. The 1832 census can be inaccurate in terms of lot numbers and, to a lesser extent, concessions. Why can only be guessed at. The Dickson Papers, another source - see MS5 reel 3, ledger B, page 22 - shows Lawrence Schermerhorn purchasing 100 acres of lot 11 in the 2nd concession from William Dickson on March 22, 1817. This is a record from the earliest days of Dumfries Township and should be correct, though this does not automatically mean that the 1832 census is incorrect. An examination of the Abstract index pages might help, but no register of transactions for what became South Dumfries has been found. It's entirely possible that one does exist. The register of old transactions for North Dumfries should be filed with Waterloo County. It isn't. The microfilm is listed as being with Halton County. If North Dumfries' place in the scheme of things has been misunderstood, perhaps South Dumfries' place has been similarly handled.)

Nicholas' biography, as it appears in the Chapman Brothers publication, shows three children for Nicholas and Harriet: Wallace J., Etta, and Centennia M. This is confirmed in the 1880 census as taken as Mayville which also agrees with the order of birth.

The biography tells that Nicholas, after his father's death, went to California and worked in the mines. He was in the army in the west during the Civil War, but thereafter returned to Mayville where he farmed for a time, but then went into business, became postmaster, and was a contractor.

Return of Deaths in the County of Tuscola
Nbr. 54, Date of death Dec. 4, 1894.
Nicholas Schermerhorn, married, age 56 years, 5 months, 18 days.
Place of death Mayville. Born Canada. Contractor. 

Children of Nicholas R. Schermerhorn and Harriet Lawrason

Last Edited27 Nov 2016