John Buck

ID # 2999, (1795-1871)
BirthJohn Buck was born in 1795. 
MarriageHe married Ann Lawrason, daughter of Miller Lawrason and Elizabeth Purvis, on 27 November 1853 at Talbot District.
See The Marriage Registers of Upper Canada / Canada West, Vol. 1, Talbot District, 1837-1857, compiled by Dan Walker & Fawne Stratford-Devai, Global Heritage Press, Milton, 2000, kpage 105.

Marriages by Rev'd Edwin Clement, Wesleyan Minister, Simcoe.

John Buck, of Walpole, to Ann Babcock, of Townsend. 27 Nov. 1853. By Licence. Rev. Clement. Wit. John Lemon and Christiana Lemon.

The old Talbot District was probably defunct by 1853, the new administrative area being Norfolk County for purposes of this particular marriage, however the old Talbot District marriage register was evidently still being used.

What the register entry does tell us is that by 1853, Ann was residing in Townsend, probably with family members.
DeathHe died on 15 February 1871. 
BurialHe was buried at Garnet United Church Cemetery, Walpole Twp., Haldimand Co.. 
NoteThe following appears in Vol. 2,Death Notices from the Christian Guardian, 1851 to 1860, by Donald A. McKenzie, Global Heritage Press, 2008, page 38:

Buck, Mrs. Elizabeth, Nee Buchner, was born in Stamford twp. near the Niagara Falls, March 2, 1798, married John Buck in Oct., 1818, and died in Walpole Tw., Sept. 2, 1852; survived by her husband and children - Nov 10, 1852. p 18

Our first record for John Buck is the 1851 census as enumerated at Walpole Township in Haldimand County. He is shown as a farmer, age 57, and with his is his wife Elizabeth, age 54, and three adult children: William, 24; Charles, 22; and Harriett, 19. Generally, the 1851 census was taken in January of 1852, and, as noted above, Elizabeth Buck died later that year.

See marriage notes for John Buck and Ann Babcock who married in 1853.

By the 1861 census in Walpole John Buck is 66 and with him is Ann, age shown as 63. Also with them are young children shown with the name Buck: Edward, 18; and Nathaniel, 13.

In 1871, John Buck is shown as age 67 and Ann as age 73. With them are Caroline Head, age 12, and John Dowd, age 21. John is shown as farm labour, but may also be a family member.(There are Doud's buried next to Babcocks in Culver Cemetery in Townsend.)

We do not have a death registration for John Buck, but available indexes lead us to a transcription for Garnet United Church Cemetery, Walpole Twp., Haldimand Co., done for It shows John Buck, buried with his first wife Elizabeth, and shows his date of death as 15 February, 1871.

John Buck's will appears on microfilm GS1 reel 698, nbr. 366. His will indicates that his residence and farm property was lot 10 in the 10th concession of Walpole Township in Haldimand. 
Last Edited10 Jul 2019