Orval Cumming

ID # 2690, (1877-1949)
FatherAllen Cumming (1845-1897)
MotherCarlinda Warner (1849-1879)
BirthOrval Cumming was born in 1877. 
MarriageHe married Marie Forbush on 16 February 1904 at Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan.
Mrge reg. Nbr. 38, Oakland County
Date of license Feb. 16, 1904
Date of marriage Feb. 16, 1904, at Pontiac.
Orval F. Cummings, age 26, not previously married. Painter. Born Canada, residing Pontiac. Parents Allen Cummings, Clarinda Warner.
Marie Forbush, 19, not previously married. At home. Born Milford, residing Pontiac. Parents Stephen Forbush and Rebecca Sutton.
Married by C.H. Liusbury (rather illeg.), Justice.
Witnesses illeg. Batchelor and Mrs. C.E. Liusbury, both of Pontiac.
MarriageHe married Addie E. Bevier on 19 August 1908 at Windsor, Essex County, Ontario.
Mrge reg. 008346-08 Windsor, Essex Co
Orval T. Cumming, 30, bachelor, painter, born Ontario, residing Pontiac, Michigan. Baptist. Parents Allen Cumming and Culinda Warner.
Addie E. Bevier, 24, widow, born England, residing Pontiac, Michigan. Baptist. Parents Peter Jones and Mary Woodard.
Witnesses James Templeton and James Oliver, both of Windsor.
On 19 August, 1908, at Windsor by W.H. Snelgrove.
DeathHe died on 9 December 1949 at Waterford, Oakland Co., Michigan. 
BurialHe was buried at Oak Hill Cemetery, Pontiac. 
NoteWhen Orval's family was in Brantford in 1881, he is shown as age 4. In 1891 the family is in Beverly Township and Orval is still present, age 14.

He married Marie Forbush in Pontiac in 1904. If there were children from his first marriage, it isn't evident in the 1910 census at Hamtramck.

He married Addie Jones Brevier in Windsor, Ontario, in 1908. A death registration for Marie Forbush has not been found.

The 1910 census at Hamtramck, Wayne Co., Michigan, shows Orval Cumming, born Canada, age 32. He is stated to have arrived in the U.S. in 1900. With him is wife Addie, age 26, and son Charles, age 1 year and 3 months. 'Orville' and Addie are in Pontiac in 1930 with a large family. Orval and Addie are still there in 1940.

The family is in Findlay, Ohio, at the time of the 1920 census and all children present have been born in Ohio. In 1930 and 1940, they are in Pontiac, Michigan.

According to an Ohio death index provided by familysearch, Orval died in Waterford, Oakland Co., Michigan, on 9 December, 1949. He is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery with Addie. 

Children of Orval Cumming and Addie E. Bevier

Last Edited10 Aug 2016