Charles Cumming

ID # 2664, (1853-1921)
FatherJohn Cumming (1804-1867)
MotherElizabeth Able (1813-1882)
BirthCharles Cumming was born on 20 November 1853. 
MarriageHe married Elizabeth Dickie Arthur.
A marriage record for Charles Cumming and Elizabeth Dickie Arthur has not been found.
DeathHe died on 7 March 1921 at Galt, Waterloo Co., at age 67. 
BurialHe was buried on 9 March 1921 at Mountview Cemetery, Galt. 
NoteDeath reg. 033025-21 Galt, Waterloo Co.
Charles Cumming of 61 Wellington Street died March 7, 1921. Age 67 and 3 months. Born Troy on Nov. 20, 1853. Gentleman. At place of death 12 years, in Ontario 67 years. Parents John Cumming and Elizabeth 'Abb'. Informant E. Cumming, Wellington St., son. Date of burial March 9, 1921. Attended by Dr. J.S. Wardlaw.

Charles death registration shows his place of birth as Troy. This will have been rather more in the vicinity of Troy. Certainly, he appears in the 1861 census in Beverly Township with his parents and siblings and he is shown as being age 8. The family is shown as E.M. (Episcopal Methodist), the nearest E.M. church being at Troy.

Charles' father, John Cumming, died in 1867 when Charles was about 14.

At the time of the 1871 census, Charles is still in Beverly and was enumerated as being in the home of George and Louisa Clement. He is shown as a servant. The next household enumerated, and presumeably next door, was that of his uncle, Wesley Abel.

A marriage registration for Charles Cumming and Elizabeth Dickie Arthur has not been found, but they were likely married in 1873 or 1874, for their firstborn, Arthur, came along on 23 October, 1875. At this point, the family is living in North Dumfries (this township is immediately east of Beverly Township) and Charles is shown as a commercial traveller on Arthur's birth registration. Arthur was delivered by Dr. John B. Lundy who was in Beverly Township at the time of the 1871 census and in Galt by 1881. Wherever Doctor Lundy may have been at the time, Arthur Cumming, on his marriage registration, gives his place of birth as Branchton, which is in North Dumfries.

By the time of the birth of Ernest in December of 1877, the family is in Stratford and Charles is shown as a merchant. The family's stay in Stratford was probably of short duration, for when Frank Leslie Cumming was born in January of 1880, the family was in Hamilton. When Frank died in Galt some nine months later, Charles, his father and the informant, is still shown as being in Hamilton and as a merchant.

Less than a year later, at the time of the 1881 census, the family is back in Beverly Township and Charles again shown as a commercial traveller.

In 1891, the family is in Galt and Charles is shown as an auctioneer on the census form, but also on Milton's birth registration. In 1901, however, the family is back in Beverly and Charles is shown as a farmer.

In 1911, the family is on Wellington Street in Galt. Charles is shown as on an income (retired), and Ernest is a merchant. Neither Charles or Elizabeth survived to the next census in 1921.

In 1897 there was printed in Galt a book: Jubilee Souvenir of Galt, 1897. This appears to be a private printing by C.W. Wilson of Galt. There a photos and background information on some citizens as well as some commercial businesses. (There is no pagination.) One such item reads:

Is a prominent furniture dealer on the corner of Ainslie and Dickson streets, who for some ten years has had marvelous success. To this business is added auctioneering, etc., also the agency of celebrated New Williams sewing machine. Mr. Cumming is a native of Galt, first seeing the light in 1853. He began to hustle then and is hustling still.


This brief history is dubious on one point in that Charles was probably born in Beverly Township. Certainly his death registration places his birth in Troy. This was rather more likely 'near' Troy. As to the last comment that Charles was a hustler, we can only hope that Wilson intended this as a compliment. Indeed, he may well have had it from Charles himself. 

Children of Charles Cumming and Elizabeth Dickie Arthur

Last Edited9 Aug 2016