John Church
ID # 2626, (1863-)
Father | Shadrack Church (1832-1927) |
Mother | Rose Gooding (1839-1925) |
Birth | John Church was born in 1863 at England. |
Marriage | He married Susannah Pedrick on 24 April 1886 at Rochester, Essex Co., Ontario. Mrge reg. 003025-86 Rochester, Essex Co. John Church, 23, bachelor, farmer. Methodist. Born Co. of 'Sussex', England, residing Gosfield. Parents. 'Shelton' and Rose Church. Susan Pedrick, 23, spinster, Methodist. Born Devonshire, England, residing Gosfield. Parents William and Jane Pedrick. Informants Wesley Brooker and Sarah illeg, both of Rochester. On April 24, 1886, at Rochester (Essex County), by Rev. Charles Willett. It's evident that Susan Pedrick's brother Elijah married Mahala Church, John's sister. |
Note | John and Susannah have a stone in Cottam Cemetery (for photo see CanGenWeb). It reads: John Church 1860 Susanah-his wife 1860-1925 The death year for John has not been cut and, to this point, a date of death has not been found. At the time of the 1881 census, John, age 18, is with his parents in Gosfield North Township. In 1891, John and 'Susan' are together. There is no evidence of children, but Elijah Pedrick, age 26 and shown as a domestic, is with them. He is evidently Susannah's brother. Elijah did not marry Mahala Church until later in 1891. In the 1901 census, John and 'Sushana' have with them Mary P., age 14. Her date of birth is given as 20 June, 1887, and she is shown as their daughter. She has not been found in later records and, since she wasn't present with the couple in 1891, her place in the family isn't clear. This census does say that Susannah came to Canada in 1880 and that John came in 1865. This may or may not be accurate, but isn't likely far off by more than a year or two. John and Susannah are present in Gosfield North in the 1911 and 1921 censuses, but in 1921 Harry Pedrick, age 67, is with them, said to be John's brother-in-law. This census places John's entry into Canada in 1867 and Susannah and her brother's in 1883. In 1925, John reported Susannah's death to the township clerk of Gosfield North. He gave his address as Essex. This should not be confused with Essex the county. Essex the village was first known as Essex Centre. This is located in Colchester Township, but the village borders on Gosfield and is not far from Cottam. Essex Centre became known as Essex in 1891 and will have been John and Susannah Church's postal address. Beyond that, we do not have a clear record for John. |
Last Edited | 16 Mar 2015 |