Isabella Nisbet

ID # 257, (1870-1899)
FatherMatthew Nisbet (1841-1902)
MotherHarriet Coleman (1845-1927)
BirthIsabella Nisbet was born on 16 October 1870 at Beverly Township. 
DeathShe died on 19 January 1899 at age 28. 
BurialShe was buried at Troy Cemetery. 
NoteBirth reg. 014069-70 Beverly Township, Wentworth Co.
Isabella Nisbet born 16 October,1870. Parents Matthew Nisbet and Harriett Coleman. Informant Matthew Nisbet, farmer, Beverly.

A death registration for Isabella has not been found. She does appear as a member of the family in the 1881 census taken in Beverly Township. Her death date is taken from a transcription of Troy Cemetery recorded by Harley Misener in 1969. It is confirmed in a more recent transcription of Troy Cemetery to be found on line. 
Last Edited6 Dec 2019