Cornelius Himes
ID # 2443
Marriage | Cornelius Himes married Mary Moss, daughter of Richard Moss and Elizabeth Murphy, on 13 April 1802 at Parish of St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney. Ex London Metropolitan Archives as provided by Ancestry. Parish of St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney. No. 80 Banns of marriage between Cornelious Himes and Mary Mofs March 23 and April 4, 1802. Cornelious Himes of this parish and hamlet...illeg...and Mary Mofs of this parish and same hamlet spinster were married in this church by banns this thirteenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and two by me Edw. Williams...illeg. This marriage was folemnized between us X Cornelius Himes & X Mary Mofs in the prefence of Thos. Harding and Daniel Price. |
Note | No documentary information for the parents of Cornelius Himes has been found. Probably, his parents were a Thomas and Sarah Himes of Half Moon Alley in London. Cornelius and Mary had children that they named Thomas and Sarah. Also, Half Moon Alley is a very short distance to Norton Falgate, the street where Mary Moss lived. Cornelius's surname was spelled as Himes on his marriage record. The children, with the occasional slight variation, seem to have been registered as Hyams. This squares with the story that Lavinia Emma Himes Coleman, told of the name once being spelled with a Y. Lavinia's father, John Himes, and his sister Susannah spelled their name as 'Himes' on their marriage records. When son Henry Hyams was born in 1818, Mary was still well within her child bearing years, but a further record for a child has not been found. Also, Henry's birth is the last record found for Cornelius Himes. While we do not know when Cornelius was born, it seems reasonable that he was not born much later than 1780. The places of abode as shown for the family in the various baptismal records are as follows: 1802 Corbets Court 1805 Vine Court 1806 Vine Court 1808 Montague St 1810 Vine Court 1812 Corbets Court 1814 Montague St 1816 Montague St 1818 Vine court None of these may indicate a precise house of residence, but may be a general area in Spitalfields. Looking over old directories they are all quite close together. |
Children of Cornelius Himes and Mary Moss |
Last Edited | 4 Dec 2023 |