Margaret Cole
ID # 1877, (1850-1910)
Father | Edwin Cole (1820-1898) |
Mother | Margaret Tucker (1828-1905) |
Birth | Margaret Cole was born on 22 April 1850. |
Death | She died on 27 June 1910 at age 60. |
Burial | She was buried at Drummond Hill Cemetery. |
Note | According to the ledger of William Dalton, sexton, Drummond Hill Cemetery, Margaret Cole died in Lacrosse, Wisconsin. She was living with her sister Alice Cole Shaw. This is confirmed by the 1905 Wisconsin State census and the 1900 and 1910 U.S. censuses. Margaret was evidently returned to Niagara Falls for burial in Drummond Hill Cemetery. Dalton, in his ledger, states that Margaret's sister Jessie went to be with Margaret and spent six weeks with her until Margaret's death. Dalton's ledger is a bit vague, implying that Margaret was born in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. He also states that she was of old Drummondville and census information taken at LaCrosse certainly indicates that she was born in Canada. |
Last Edited | 28 Jun 2020 |