Josephine Tyndall Blashill

ID # 1557, (1892-)
FatherHenry Byron Blashill (1864-1932)
MotherLaura A. Smith (1869-)
BirthJosephine Tyndall Blashill was born on 4 March 1892 at Delaware Twp., Middlesex County. 
NoteBirth reg. 018058-92 Delaware Twp., Middlesex Co.
Joseph Tyndall, female, born March 4, 1892. Parents Henry Blashill and Leornia Smith. Informant H. Blashill, farmer, Delaware.

The 1901 census at Carmel in Assinaboia West makes it clear that the correct name is Josephine and the registrations and census agree that she was female. The given name of Josephine's mother is badly written. 
Last Edited5 Mar 2010