Martha Roelofson

ID # 1226, (1879-)
FatherDaniel Campbell Roelofson (1842-1925)
MotherEliza Main (1845-1937)
BirthMartha Roelofson was born on 5 December 1879 at Millbrook, Mecosta County, Michigan. 
NoteThe 1880 U.S. census at Millbrook, Mecosta County, Michigan, dated 11 June 1880, shows an infant female, age 5 months, but not named. Based on information as shown on a page of birth registrations for Mecosta County, we can say that she was later named as Martha.

Mecosta County birth reg. nbr. 286, date of birth December 5, 1879, Martha Roelofson, born Millbrook, parents Daniel and Eliza Roelofson, both born Canada. Residing Millbrook. Daniel is shown as a farmer.

Originally, the birth was registered as 'not named' and the child's name, Martha Roelofson, was later written in. The registration pages have the look as though all children recorded were registered on June 19, 1880, and the page then filed on the same day. Likely, Martha's name was entered later, though how much later we are unable to tell. 
Last Edited12 Sep 2009