Charles Main
ID # 1190, (1841-1923)
Father | George Main (1814-1890) |
Mother | Margaret Ann Chandler |
Birth | Charles Main was born on 3 May 1841 at Beverly Township. |
Marriage | He married Sarah Long on 27 September 1864 at Wentworth County. MS248 reel 17, Vol. 82, page 127 Wentworth County Marriages by Rev. A. McGill of the U. P & C Church Charles Main, 24, born and residing Beverly. Parents George & Margt. A. Main. Sarah Long, 25, born and residing Glanford. Parents Henry & Rachel Long. Witness Anthony McGill of Barton. On Sept. 27, 1864 The U. P. & C. church is probably a form of the Presbyterian Church. As noted this county registration, as with most, does not give the mothers' maiden names. The 1884 Biographies for Mecosta County shows Sarah's mother's maiden name as Rachel Hunter, which may be correct. We are on safe ground in saying that Charles' mother's maiden name was Margaret Chandler. The witness, Anthony McGill of Barton is clearly a witness. The name of a Mrs. Young also appears written in above that of Anthony's, but it isn't at all clear if she was a witness for the Main-Long marriage or the previously listed marriage. As with almost all, if not all, county marriage registrations from this era, the location of the marriage is not given. Charles and Sarah's marriage may well have been at the bride's parents' residence, which was apparently in Glanford Township. Witness residences, on this and the few other marriages shown for Rev. McGill, are mainly in Barton Township (Barton Township is now a part of the city of Hamilton) and the marriage may have been performed in Barton. Human errors abound and a clergyman might well perform a marriage in one county and then return to his home in another county and register the marriage in his county of residence by mistake. Such a situation is unlikely for the marriage of Charles and Sarah. |
Marriage | He married Julia Long on 30 March 1890 at Mecosta County, Michigan. Julia's name, at the time of her marriage to Charles, was Julia Fenton. She was previously married to John L. Fenton in Wentworth County, Canada, in 1861. Her first marriage registration reads: John L. Fenton, age 22, born Barton Township, residing Glandford Township, parents Samuel Fenton and R. Fenton. Julia Long, age 19, born and residing Glandford, parents H. and R. Long. Her second marriage registration: Isabella County Marriage reg. 185 date of license March 18, 1890, Charles Main, age 48, farming, residing Fremont Twp., born Canada. Parents Geo. Main and Margaret A. Chandler. Previously married once. Julia Fenton, maiden name Long, age 46, residing Fremont Twp., born Canada. Previously married once. Marriage date March 30, 1890, at the residence of Daniel Roelofson, Mecosta Co., Michigan, by Geo. N. Soper, clergyman. Witnesses Henry Main and Daniel Roelofson, both of Millbrook Township. Even though the marriage was apparently performed in Mecosta County, it was registered in Isabella County. |
Marriage | He married Jennie Baldwin on 9 April 1916 at Grant, Mecosta Co., Michigan. Baldwin was Jennie s maiden name. At the time of her marriage to Charles Main, her name was Mrs. Jennie Garrett. Like Charles, she had been married twice previously. Mecosta Marriage reg. 5389. Date of license 8 April 1916 Charles Main, 74, residing Millbrook, born Canada, retired farmer. Parents Geo. Main and Margaret A. Chandler. Married previously twice. Mrs. Jennie Garrett, maiden name Jennie Baldwin, 56, residing Grant, Michigan, born N.Y., Cook. Parents Edward Baldwin and Mary Shoop. Married previously twice. On April 8, 1916, at Grant, Michigan. Clergyman Nelson Hilton. Witnesses Edward W. Williams and Millie M. Williams, both of Grant. |
Death | He died on 2 June 1923 at age 82. |
Burial | He was buried at Decker Cemetery, Mecosta County, Michigan. |
Note | The 1883 Mecosta Biographies show Charles Main coming to Michigan in the spring of 1865. It goes on to say that in the spring of the following year he moved to Montcalm County and farmed there for two years before moving to Mecosta County in the spring of 1868, again farming and purchasing and selling land. In the spring of 1872, he moved into the village of Millbrook where he was involved in a mercantile partnership for a number of years before returning to farming. The 1880 census at Millbrook shows Charles and Sarah with son Elmer H. Main, age 9. His biography states that there were two other children, Blanche and Richard A., who died in infancy. We have no dated record for Richard, but a death registration exists in Mecosta for an unnamed female child of Charles and Sarah Main: Mecosta Death Registration nbr. 51. date of death Nov. 30, 1872, no name, female, age 5 months and 27 days at Millbrook. Cause of death unknown. Born Michigan. Parents Charles and Sarah Main, residing Michigan. Since this child's birth and death occured prior to the writing of the biographies, it is likely that she was Blanche. We have no record of dates or places of burial for Blanche and Richard. At the time of the 1910 census at Millbrook, Charles is shown living with his second wife Julia so their marriage will have been of some duration - at least 20 years. He married Jennie Baldwin Garrett in 1916, but by 1920 he is living with son Irving H. Main in Fremont Twp., Isabella County, Michigan. Interestingly, the 1920 census gives his mother tongue as Dutch. This is just possible, though not likely accurate. Also, this census states that he was born in Canada (correct), but also that his parents were born in Canada. This is incorrect and does not agree with previouse census information. Even though in 1920 Charles is living with son Irving Main with no evidence of Jennie being present, it is believed she is still living. |
Child of Charles Main and Sarah Long |
Last Edited | 26 Sep 2017 |