Elisabeth Buckberrough
ID # 114, (1817-1836)
Father | George Buckberrough (1794-1866) |
Mother | Sarah Coleman (1795-1881) |
Birth | Elisabeth Buckberrough was born on 28 February 1817. |
Death | She died on 9 August 1836 at age 19. |
Burial | She was buried at Troy Cemetery. |
Note | Elisabeth's death date and burial is per Harley Misener's transcription of Troy Cemetery. He places her with George and Sarah. A more recent transcription of Troy Cemetery that appears online shows no Buckberroughs in Troy Cemetery. This may be because the stones have lain flat for a very long time and slowly been covered by the sod. Years ago, Sarah's stone was partly visible, and only recently has George's stone been uncovered. Harley Misener states that Troy Cemetery was opened around 1835 or '36 and this would certainly accomodate the possibility that Elizabeth was buried there, or even her remains being moved there in later years. A transcription of Troy Cemetery was done in 1989 by the Hamilton Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society and it states in the preamble that it is an 'update' of Harley Misener's transcription done in 1969. Harley, at the beginning of his transcription, states that he has added words and dates, which appear in brackets, that are from his own records and not a part of the stones. The inscription that Harley provides was foreshortened in the 1989 version. Harley's transcription of Elisabeth's stone does not show brackets, but is of a length that suggests his source is actually a newspaper obituary. Harley's transcription reads: Elisabeth, b 28 Feb 1817, esperienced religion 1835 and lived the life of the righteous and died 9 Aug 1836 leaving strongest evidence of future bliss. |
Last Edited | 19 Dec 2022 |