1911 census England & Wales
Robert Jones family
Alexander Cuff & Maria Cuff
Alice Broder
sale of home in Bellingham
Alice Graves Broder
(North Pacific Union Gleaner, 20 Apr 1948)
Alice Graves Broder
death certificate
Alice Mary Graves Broder
funeral card
Bertha Manery
birth registration
Bertha (Manery) Routh
death registration
Page of Bertha May (Graves) Sealock's Bible
received from Geri Nesmith, her grand-niece
Broder Family Tree by
Mabel (Hallberg) Broder
Ann Marie Lilly Broder
birth registration
Eldeen Broder & Russell Davis
divorce notice
Eldeen Broder & Russell Davis
marriage certificate
Eldeen Broder Holmes
death notice
Jane Lily Broder & Thomas James Spring
marriage registration
Passenger List of Princess Beatrice
21 Jan 1906
Passenger List of Princess Beatrice
6 Feb 1906
Harold Broder
patent infringement
Julia Broder & Essex Williams
marriage registration
Catherine Broder
birth registration
Margaret Louisa Broder
birth registration
Marion Violet Broder
Marion Violet Broder
birth certificate
Marion Broder & James Doyle
wedding report
Columbian, 22 Jul 1946
Marion Broder & James Doyle
wedding reception invitation
Marion Broder & James Doyle
wedding report
Vancouver Sun, 23 Jul 1946
Marion Broder & James Doyle
marriage announcement
Marion (Broder) Doyle
Lethbridge Herald
10 Jan 1974
Marion (Broder) Doyle
Lethbridge Herald
14 May 1979
Marion Violet Doyle
death certificate
Robert Broder
death registration
Robert Charles Broder
birth registration
Robert Roswell Broder
affidavit of birth
Robert Roswell Broder
affidavit of birth
Robert Roswell Broder
anniversary letter to Violet (page 2)
Robert Roswell Broder
anniversary letter to Violet (page 1)
Incorporation of Mt Vernon Canning Co
Sale notice for 40 Leopold Place
Robert Broder
magazine article
Robert Roswell Broder
US Citizenship ID
Robert Roswell Broder
Mason membership card
Robert Roswell Broder
Robert Roswell Broder
funeral report
Robert Roswell Broder
death certificate
Robert Roswell Broder
death announcement
Robert Roswell Broder
Newpaper article re plaque
Remembering Robert Roswell Broder
magazine article
Thomas Broder & Jane Morrison
marriage registration
Thomas George Cecil Broder
birth registration
Thomas George Cecil Broder
death registration
William Broder
death registration
Caroline Dale Manery
death registration
Charles Cuff & Fannie Ritchie
Christopher Tickell & Ellen Manery
marriage registration
Christopher Francis Tickell
death registration
Chrisotopher Tickell
death registration
Christopher Tickell
Douglas Edward Cooper
death registration
Arthur Wilson Cuff
WWI Draft Registration
Letitia Cuff & Wilson Patterson
marriage registration
Ovens Patterson Cuff
WWII draft registration
Margaret Cuffe Broder
death registration
David Shewell Manery
Douglas Cooper & Alice Johnson
marriage registration
Douglas Pappajohn & Christina Mueller
marriage registration
Douglas Pappajohn & Christina Mueller
marriage registration
James Gordon Doyle
birth certificate
James Gordon Doyle
national registration
James Gordon Doyle & Marion Violet Broder
marriage certificate
James Gordon Doyle
amateur radio operator 1957
James & Marion Doyle with Violet Broder
flight to Hawaii
offer to purchase
James Gordon Doyle
death certificate
James Gordon Doyle
Edward Manery
birth registration
Edward Clifford Manery
death registration
Elizabeth (Broder) Jones
burial record
Note enclosed in Christmas card
Elizabeth (Broder) Jones to Violet Broder
Ellen Manery
birth registration
Ellen (Manery) Tickell
death registration
Ellen McCurdy Manery
death registration
Elwood Bromley
birth registration
Elwood Peter Bromley
death registration
Ernest Broder
report on a family move
Ernest Broder
magazine article
Ethel McLeod
death registration
Ettie Manery & Bedford Keighley
marriage registration
Frederick Manery
death registration
Gerorge Fancis Manery
death registration
George Manery
birth registration
Gordon Manery & Kay Turner
wedding announcement
Harold Broder
WWI Draft Registration
Harold Broder
WWII Draft Registration
Helen Manery & Ron King
wedding announcement
Helen Manery King
Prince George Citizen 12 Jan 2012
Hilda Cooper & Harry Davies
marriage registration
Hilda Cooper Davies
death registration
Hugh McLeod & Lottie Eakins
marriage registration
Hugh Alexander McLeod
birth registration
Hugh McLeod
funeral record
Hugh McLeod
death registration
James Pappajohn & Melba Sigsworth
marriage registration
James Pappajohn
death registration
Jennie Cooper & Donald Maclean
marriage registration
Jennie Cooper McLean
death registration
John Broder & Alice Graves
marriage license and certificate
John Harold Broder & Mabel Hallberg
wedding announcement
(Western Canadian Tidings, 1920, Vol 10 No 21 p 6)
John Harold Broder & Mabel Hallberg
marriage certificate
John Broder
death certificate
John Broder
Affidavit of Immigration
John Broder's signature
from Island Packing Co note
dated Sept 1st 1908
John Harold Broder
funeral card
Violet Faye Jones
birth registration
Violet Jones
birth certificate
Violet Jones
High School Entrance
Robert Roswell Broder & Violet Faye Jones
marriage certificate
Robert Roswell Broder & Violet Faye Jones
marriage certificate
Violet Jones & Robert Broder
marriage announcement
Violet (Jones) Broder
US Citizenship ID
Violet Broder
Canadian passport
Violet Jones Broder
Julia Rebecca Cuff & James E H Stimson
Kathleen Broder Morrison
burial record
Kathreen Collier & Elmer Johnson
marriage announcement
Doyle/Crawford wedding
Lethbridge Herald
28 Aug 1971
Mabel Broder & Sam Manery
marriage announcement
Mabel (Broder) Manery
death registration
Mabel Broder Manery
Penticton Herald
Mabel Broder Manery
Mabel Broder Manery
Mabel Manery
Lethbridge Herald
Mabel Hallberg
birth registration
Mabel Manery & Smith Layton
marriage registration
Mabel Manery
birth registration
Mabel (Manery) Layton
death registration
Kathleen Manery & Milton Cook
wedding report
unknown paper, unknown date
Kathleen (Manery) Cook
Margaret Broder
burial record
Martha Ann Manery & Elwood Peter Bromley
marriage registration
Martha Manery
birth registration
Melba (Sigsworth) Pappajohn
death registration
Orville Broder
(North Pacific Union Gleaner, Vol 13 No 21 p 9)
Orville Broder
WWI Draft Registration
Ovens Cuff
WWI Draft Registration
Percy Broder & Hannah Baierle
Percy Broder & Kathreen Collier
final divorce degree
Percy Broder & Kathreen Collier
Percy Broder
border crossing manifest
Percy Broder & Hannah Baierle
Percy Broder
WWI draft registration
Percival Claude Broder
funeral card
Percy Broder & Melba Pappajohn
wedding announcement
Joseph Ratchford
death registration
Richard Morley Tanner
Richard Tanner
funeral card (1)
Richard Tanner
funeral card (2)
Rick Tanner
Victoria Times Colonist 11 Feb 2004
Robert Adair
WW II draft registration
Robert Broder & Margaret Cuffe
Robert Border & Margaret Cuffe
Robert Charles Broder
passenger list
Ron King
Skaha Matters Aug 2010
Ronald Manery & Margaret Shewell
wedding announcement
Ross Cooper & Blanche Soucie
marriage registration
Ross Cooper
death registration
Sam Manery's 90th birthday
Valley Times (part 1)
Sam Manery's 90th birthday
Valley Times (part 2)
Sam Manery's 83rd Birthday
Samuel Manery
birth registration
Samuel Manery
death registration
Sarah Cooper
death registration
Smith McCully Layton
death registration
Bernie Doyle & Stan Broder report cougar siting
The Vancouver Sun
19 Oct 1944
New Westminster Falcons
Stan Broder back row, third from left
About 1946
Stan Broder scored a goal
The Columbian
8 February 1946
Stella Cooper & Joseph Ratchford
marriage registration
Stella Cooper Ratchford
death registration
Morley Tanner & Phyllis Muir
Lethbridge Herald
Richard Morley Tanner & Phyllis Muir
Edmonton Journal
Thomas Cooper & Sarah Rolston
marriage registration
Thomas Cooper
death registration
Story in
Bunch Grass to Barbed Wire
Thomas Hugh Wesley Cooper
death registration
Rebecca Victoria Morrison
burial record
Violet Broder's Birthday List
Page 1
Violet Broder's Birthday List
Page 2
Violet Broder's Birthday List
Page 3
Violet Broder's Birthday List
Page 4
W. E. Turner
Lethbridge Herald, 8 Mar 1960
William James Manery
death registration
William Manery & Ellen McCury
Winifred Manery & Robert Adair
marriage registration
Winifred Manery
birth registration