- [S12] Letter from Irene Cuffe (Ireland) to Faye West, 23 Mar 1978; privately held by Faye West (Edmonton, Alberta). LET 007.
- [S15] Graves, Bertha May Graves Sealock's Bible (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date); unknown present owner, Photocopy in Faye West's file: DOC 027.

- [S69] Interview with Marion Doyle (Lethbridge, AB), by Faye West, 25 Dec 2002.
- [S97] Birthday Book - belonged to Violet Jones, manuscript, c 1914, (individuals signed on their birthday page), privately held by Faye West, Edmonton, Alberta.
- [S122] Alice Broder, Death Certificate 2410(?) (24 Feb 1948), Washington Bureau of Vital Statistics, Olympia, Thurston County, Washington.

- [S133] Robert Broder & Margaret Cuffe marriage, 19 Dec 1857, in Parish Register, Achonry Cathedral: Page 6, No 12, Achonry Cathedral, Achonry, Co Sligo, Ireland. File: MAR 003.
- [S134] Faye Louise Doyle, Birth Certificate D 159913 (31 Jan 1947), BC Vital Statistics Agency, Victoria, British Columbia.
- [S135] Christmas card from Elizabeth Broder Jones (Belfast, Northern Ireland) to Violet Broder, 12 Dec 1950; privately held by Faye West (Edmonton, Alberta). DOC 026.

- [S136] Interment.net, online index, "Gurteen Cemetery" (http://www.interment.net/data/ireland/sligo/gurteen/… : accessed 28 Oct 2007).
- [S148] James Gordon Doyle, Birth Certificate 96328 Vol 496 (29 Apr 1925), BC Vital Statistics Agency, Victoria, British Columbia.
- [S151] Sam Manery's birthday, Unknown Newspaper, probably Penticton, BC, Spring 1971. , DOC 069.

- [S273] Photo - snapshot, privately held by Faye West (Edmonton, Alberta).
- [S445] Roswell Graves, 14 Jun 1880 U.S. Census, Table Rock, Siskiyou, California, HeritageQuest, http://heritagequestonline.com

- [S446] Roswell Graves, 14 July 1870 U.S. Census, Contra Costa, California, HeritageQuest, http://heritagequestonline.com

- [S499] Broder - Pappajohn, unknown newspaper title, unknown location, Jun 1941.

- [S576] Samuel Robert James Manery, Birth Registration 88-09-682587 (14 Mar 1888), BC Vital Statistics Agency, Victoria, British Columbia.

- [S582] Harold Broder & Mabel Hallberg, Marriage Record (civil) 20-09-221927 (1 Oct 1920), BC Vital Statistics Agency, Victoria, British Columbia.

- [S583] Samuel Robert James Manery, Death Registration 80-09-006134 (14 Apr 1980), BC Vital Statistics Agency, Victoria, British Columbia.

- [S635] Alice Broder, 1920 Federal Census (Freewater, Umatilla, Oregon), HeritageQuest, http://heritagequestonline.com

- [S727] 1911, Co. Sligo, Ireland, Census; digital image, National Archives: Census of Ireland 1911 (http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie: accessed 4 Jan 2010).
- [S906] Betty Cuffe Smith, "Family Group Sheets", 1972 - 2010 (Lakes Entrance, Victoria, Australia). "Researched and collated from official registers, including details from visits to Ireland, and personal contacts with family members world-wide" Copy privately held by Faye West.
- [S907] 1901, Co Meath, Ireland, Census; digital image, National Archives: Census of Ireland 1911 (http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie: accessed 10 Sept 2010).

- [S908] 1901, Co Sligo, Ireland, Census; digital image, National Archives: Census of Ireland 1911 (http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie: accessed 10 Sept 2010).
- [S910] Percy Broder & Hannah Baierle, Marriage Registration 245253 (30 Aug 1960), Washington Digital Archives, http://www.digitalarchives.wa.gov

- [S912] Letter from Percy Broder (Seattle, WA) to Violet Broder, 30 Sept 1944; privately held by Faye West (Edmonton, Alberta) LET 005.
- [S934] Letter from Charles Baierle (Snohomish, Washington) to Faye West, 28 Sep 2010; privately held by Faye West (Edmonton, Alberta). LET 006.
- [S940] Seventh Day Adventist Archives, online (https://www.adventistarchives.org/DocArchives.asp).
- [S954] John Broder, "Ernest Lloyd Broder," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Faye West, 1 Dec 2010.
- [S1068] Elizabeth Broder photo, c 1880, annotated by Violet Broder: "Aunt Elizabeth Broder later married Jones and lived in Wales", photographer's imprint "Stimson, Appleton, Wis.", privately held by Faye West (Edmonton, Alberta).
- [S1117] Elizabeth Jones burial, in Belfast City Burial Records, Belfast Burial Records, http://www.belfastcity.gov.uk/burialrecords

- [S1157] GenealogyBank, online (https://www.genealogybank.com).
- [S1233] Broder - Manery, San Juan Islander, Friday Harbor, Washington, 13 Jan 1911, pg 1.

- [S1501] 1911, Dolgelley, Merionethshire, Census; digital image, Find My Past (https://www.findmypast.co.uk: accessed 27 Jun 2012).

- [S1665] Find My Past Ireland, online (https://www.findmypast.ie).
- [S1774] Bellingham City Directory (Detroit, Michigan: R. L. Polk, 1935).
- [S1775] Bellingham City Directory (Detroit, Michigan: R. L. Polk, 1934).
- [S1776] The Bellingham Herald, Bellingham, Washington, 20 Jun 1936, 9.

- [S1777] The Bellingham Herald, Bellingham, Washington, 15 Jul 1936, pg 6; archived (genealogybank.com: accessed 20 Nov 2014).

- [S1778] The Bellingham Herald, Bellingham, Washington, 29 Dec 1936, 8.

- [S1781] Broder, Percy C, Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, Washington, 19 Aug 1974, pg 3.

- [S1786] Windmeadows, Offer to Purchase & Interim Agreement, 7 Sep 1972, copy privately held by Faye West, Edmonton, Alberta.
- [S1836] Patnet Infringed On, Appeals Court Rules, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, Washington, 30 Jan 1936, pg 2.
- [S2006] Jane Broder & Thomas James Spring, Marriage Registration, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, www.irishgenealogy.ie.
- [S2007] Julia Broder & Essex Williams, Marriage Registration, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, www.irishgenealogy.ie.
- [S2009] Various Contributors, Find A Grave, Database and images (www.findagrave.com).
- [S2012] Robert Broder, Death Registration (28 Jul 1896), Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, www.irishgenealogy.ie.
- [S2017] William Broder, Death Registration 358 (13 Oct 1936), Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, www.irishgenealogy.ie.
- [S2018] Margart Broder, Death Registration 62 (18 Aug 1916), Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, www.irishgenealogy.ie.
- [S2076] Doyle, James (Jim), Cornerstone Funeral Home, https://www.cornerstonefuneralhome.com/obituary/…, Nov 2021.
- [S2086] James Gordon Doyle entry, Death Registration 8606 (19 Nov 2021), Cornerstone Funeral Home, Lethbridge, Alberta.