James Elam Hamilton Stimson
ID# 3041, (c 1860-)

James Elam Hamilton Stimson listed his business for sale in the March 1892 issue of The Photographic TImes and American Photographer. The advertisement read:
"Gallery for Sale in the smartest town in Wisconsin. The best location in city. Thriving business and doing first class work. $750 cash down; no other terms. J.E.H. Stimson, Appleton, Wis."5
Last Edited=27 Aug 2018
Children of James Elam Hamilton Stimson and Rebecca Julia Cuff
- Grace R Stimson1 (1881-)
- James Alexander Stimson (1883-)
- Joseph Benjamin Stimson1 (1885-)
- Elizabeth Mary Stimson1 (1886-)
- Irene Racey Stimson1 (1888-)
- Helen Virginia Stimson1 (1890-)
- Paul Reeve Stimson1 (1893-)
- Fredrick Grant Stimson1 (1895-)
- Donald C Stimson1 (1897-)
- Olive Jeanette Stimson8 (1900-)
- [S921] Outagamie Co Wisconsin Biographies and Historical Sketches, online (http://outagamiebios.tripod.com/), JEH Stimson.
- [S925] James Stimson, 1900 U.S. Census, Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.ca
- [S1647] Wisconsin Marriages 1836-1930: marriage of James Stimson & Julia Cuff, FamilySearch website, www.familysearch.org. Viewed 2 Feb 2013, at familysearch.org, film 1292401, cert 02132.
- [S730] Thomas H Ryan, History of Outagamie County Wisconsin (Chicago: Goodspeed Publishing Association, unknown date); digital image. Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 7 Jan 2010).
- [S922] Unknown author, Photographic Times and American Photographer, Vol 12 (New York: Scovill Manufacturing Company, Mar 1882); digital image. Google, Google Books (https://books.google.ca: accessed 29 Sep 2010).
- [S926] James Stimson, 1905 U.S. Census, Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.ca
- [S928] James Stimson, 1910 U.S. Census, Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.ca
- [S924] James Stimson, 1920 U.S. Census, Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.ca
- [S927] James Stimson, 1930 U.S. Census, Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.ca