James Elam Hamilton Stimson

ID# 3041, (c 1860-)
J E H Stimson
      James Elam Hamilton Stimson was born about November 1860 in St George, Brant County, Ontario.1,2,3 He was the son of James and Anna Stimson.3 He immigrated in 1880 to Wisconsin.2 He married Rebecca Julia Cuff, daughter of Alexander Cuff and Maria Cuff, on 25 November 1880 in Outagamie County, Wisconsin.3,1 He was a photographer in Appleton, Outagamie County, Wisconsin.4 He and Rebecca Julia Cuff lived in North Street, Appleton, Outagamie County, Wisconsin, in 1890.

James Elam Hamilton Stimson listed his business for sale in the March 1892 issue of The Photographic TImes and American Photographer. The advertisement read:
"Gallery for Sale in the smartest town in Wisconsin. The best location in city. Thriving business and doing first class work. $750 cash down; no other terms. J.E.H. Stimson, Appleton, Wis."5

Census Records

YearPlaceHead of Household
1900Appleton, Outagamie County, WisconsinJames Elam Hamilton Stimson2
1905Appleton, Outagamie County, WisconsinJames Elam Hamilton Stimson6
1910Appleton, Outagamie County, WisconsinJames Elam Hamilton Stimson7
1920Appleton, Outagamie County, WisconsinJames Elam Hamilton Stimson8
1930Appleton, Outagamie County, WisconsinJames Elam Hamilton Stimson9
Last Edited=27 Aug 2018


  1. [S921] Outagamie Co Wisconsin Biographies and Historical Sketches, online (http://outagamiebios.tripod.com/), JEH Stimson.
  2. [S925] James Stimson, 1900 U.S. Census, Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.ca
  3. [S1647] Wisconsin Marriages 1836-1930: marriage of James Stimson & Julia Cuff, FamilySearch website, www.familysearch.org. Viewed 2 Feb 2013, at familysearch.org, film 1292401, cert 02132.
  4. [S730] Thomas H Ryan, History of Outagamie County Wisconsin (Chicago: Goodspeed Publishing Association, unknown date); digital image. Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com: accessed 7 Jan 2010).
  5. [S922] Unknown author, Photographic Times and American Photographer, Vol 12 (New York: Scovill Manufacturing Company, Mar 1882); digital image. Google, Google Books (https://books.google.ca: accessed 29 Sep 2010).
  6. [S926] James Stimson, 1905 U.S. Census, Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.ca
  7. [S928] James Stimson, 1910 U.S. Census, Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.ca
  8. [S924] James Stimson, 1920 U.S. Census, Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.ca
  9. [S927] James Stimson, 1930 U.S. Census, Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.ca